Our gang

Our gang

Momma can run

Momma can run
Can you see "Momma" on my new running shoes from my girls

Monday, June 9, 2008

Weekend sleep-overs

Whewwww.... what a weekend.

The 6 yr old had not seen her friend recently moved for almost 2 weeks. Bonkers is a nice mild way of putting it. She needed her friend and what was better was to have a sleep-over.

Her swim suit was immediately put on Sat morning at 8:00 a.m. sharp so she could go swimming with her friend around 2:00 p.m. Simply put; anticipation.

The 6 yr old gets the finest princess treatment; breakfast in bed and Chick fil A for lunch before 2:00. Then it's off to the pool we go. We were unable to stay too long because her girlfriends brother was acting up and getting tired; he's 3. Off to the playscape we go and on our way home we sing to "The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog" in the truck.

A bath was desperately needed later before dinner. Guess what dinner was? Pizza!

Then it was dinner and a movie with the Chipmunks.

Oh.... it doesn't end here. All night long even as I desperately tried to keep them upstairs in the 6 yr olds room and maybe sleep; a big bowl of popcorn. Of course not! They kept coming down stairs for something and not at all sleepy; it's 11:00 a.m. for goodness sake!

It doesn't stop here friends. The next day it was waffles at our favorite eatery with a playscape and all.

What was the most interesting part of this was that the 6 yr olds girlfriends mother was having lunch with friends there. I also was able to sit with my best friend as well because she just came in from church. Waffles started at 10:00 a.m. and we did not leave until after 3:00 p.m. Our wait staff was certainly happy to see us go.

Back home again and the girls were 11 on the dial from all the sugar. Then the calvery came knocking on my door. My daughters girlfriends mother came to get her.

Wheeeewwwwww....... I savored my bottle of wine only for a short time that evening.

Ok; I hope I'm not making it sound like it was that bad. It was a very fun time and I didn't even have to go to the gym to get the amount of exercise I did. Both girls are precious and "thank Heaven for little girls, what would little boys do?"


1 comment:

Tyson and Reannin said...

Sounds like you had one busy weekend! Kids never seem to slow down, no matter how much you give them to do that will hopefully burn off some of their steam. Boys would have probably knocked over a few things here or there....HA! I love you and miss you!