Our gang

Our gang

Momma can run

Momma can run
Can you see "Momma" on my new running shoes from my girls

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hazy day with clarity

Ever wonder if you made the right decisions or not? Well, I think I did and what a major breakthrough.
I am free from someone that I no longer consider a friend anymore. Unfortunately we still need to have limited communication but at least it will be limited. I wish this individual well.

I'm free, free, free deep in within my heart and soul! I can now see there is more in my life than what was bad.

Well, let me tell you something. I was diagnosed with colon cancer last year and went through several hits of chemo. Even had to wear a pump for 48 hours every two week; depending on my blood cell count. My 6 yr old only knew that I had to take medicine in a "port o cath" located on my upper chest called "Alien." She was so wonderful by writing cards in hope that my tummy and chest will be ok.

I got through the rough part of several visits to an Oncologist, blood work, CT and PET scans and overall feeling cruddy by working out and running every chance I got. This gave me more clarity on what I have right in front of me; my life.

I want to tell my daughters something; I love all three of you and I'm still here for you.
"It's the wheel of the world turning around
It can open your heart
It can break you apart
And it never even slows down
It's the wheel of the world turning around"


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